ADVANCED HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES I: Defining Health Problems with Intelligent Health Applications and Data Analysis
23.05.2019 STM ThinkTech

ADVANCED HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES I: Defining Health Problems with Intelligent Health Applications and Data Analysis

Health has an important place in both personal and social.Socially, it is at the center of prosperity and wellfare.From an economic perspective, health care is one of the largest sectors in the world. Although quality, access and cost problems persist, modern health services are advancing rapidly and there is a lot more cure for the diseases than the past. New technologies bring unique innovations to treatment methods. There is a great transformation in health with the new technologies such as broadband internet, mobile communication technologies, wearable electronics, internet of things, cloud computing and robots. The capabilities offered by these technologies become an indispensable assistant of healthcare professionals' prevention, diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment services with artificial intelligence and learning machines. Therefore, artificial intelligence is the focus of health technology research and development activities. Universities, healthcare institutions and health technology companies with increasing numbers invest billions of dollars in the field of artificial intelligence. The number of artificial intelligence practices is increasing day by day. However, artificial intelligence practices create a discussion on issues such as the reliability, suitability, accuracy of diagnosis and treatment, and the privacy of personal information. In this report, artificial intelligence and robotics applications in the field of health in the world and related discussions are mentioned.

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T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’nın mühendislik, teknoloji ve program yönetimi alanlarında ihtiyaç duyduğu “danışmanlık” hizmetinin esnek, hızlı ve dünya standartlarında verilebilmesi için 1991 yılında STM kurulmuştur. Kurumsal deneyim, bilgi birikimi, nitelikli insan kaynağı ve marka değerine sahip olan STM; “danışmanlık” alanında dünya çapında rekabet edebilir bir konuma ulaşma vizyonu ile Teknolojik Düşünce Merkezi ThinkTech’i 23 Kasım 2017 tarihinde faaliyete geçirmiştir. Türkiye’nin teknoloji odaklı ilk düşünce merkezi olan STM ThinkTech, objektif bir yaklaşımla, “savunma ve güvenlik” sektörü öncelikli olacak şekilde teknoloji tabanlı analizler yapmakta, raporlar yayımlamakta ve profesyonel network faaliyetleri düzenlenmektedir.

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