Automation in Food Production and Distribution
16.12.2021 STM ThinkTech

Automation in Food Production and Distribution

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Food has been at the forefront of vital needs along with water and air at every stage of human history. As the number of living creatures on Earth increased, more food was needed and will continue to be needed day by day. The discoveries made by explorers and scientists at the stages of food production and distribution have brought the food industry to its present form.

The world's natural resources are declining rapidly. Climate change, shrinkage of agricultural land, and unstable market movements make the global food system insecure. Research to regain lost trust has revealed the need for technological transformation in food. Digital transformation in the food industry has the potential to create a new revolution, as in every stage of history.

In the new digital age, as systems and sectors that have become stronger with each other evolve rapidly, the food industry is looking for ways to meet the increasing nutritional demands more quickly and efficiently. One of these ways is automation.

Automation is a term used for technological applications where human intervention is minimized. This recognition can include many processes, including personal applications such as business process automation, information technology automation, and home automation...


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T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı’nın mühendislik, teknoloji ve program yönetimi alanlarında ihtiyaç duyduğu “danışmanlık” hizmetinin esnek, hızlı ve dünya standartlarında verilebilmesi için 1991 yılında STM kurulmuştur. Kurumsal deneyim, bilgi birikimi, nitelikli insan kaynağı ve marka değerine sahip olan STM; “danışmanlık” alanında dünya çapında rekabet edebilir bir konuma ulaşma vizyonu ile Teknolojik Düşünce Merkezi ThinkTech’i 23 Kasım 2017 tarihinde faaliyete geçirmiştir. Türkiye’nin teknoloji odaklı ilk düşünce merkezi olan STM ThinkTech, objektif bir yaklaşımla, “savunma ve güvenlik” sektörü öncelikli olacak şekilde teknoloji tabanlı analizler yapmakta, raporlar yayımlamakta ve profesyonel network faaliyetleri düzenlenmektedir.

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