Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Ships for Unmanned Aerial, Marine and Underwater Vehicles
17.08.2022 STM ThinkTech

Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Ships for Unmanned Aerial, Marine and Underwater Vehicles

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A new page in maritime history has been opened with the integration of autonomous technologies into sea vessels. While the use of autonomy in commercial ships, passenger ships, and military marine vehicles creates a unique maritime experience, its ability to work in coordination with other autonomous vehicles has been a pioneer in the formation of swarm drones.

The importance of autonomous and semi-autonomous ships in the future of maritime and seas is increasing. In our analysis, while evaluating the effects of autonomy on ships and maritime, their coordinated work with other autonomous vehicles and their use as a drone base will be examined. In addition, the developments and investments in the autonomous ship market, and predictions about the future of autonomy at sea will be evaluated...

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